Friday, October 30, 2009

politics and business

I was wondering going across all the new channels or site, that there was one thing common; the prime news is either a political or a business related news. Moreover, if we look across our society (irrespective of country we live) the most influential person around would be from either fields. However, I don't see most people go for it as there career?

Its getting difficult for me to understand why we opt to follow some path for ourselves which we know is not going to be very dynamic, rather it will be very limited to my own world itself. But the question is what is our world? Is our family, office friend circle and official meeting are our world? Perhaps if you are thinking that its your world you may be mistaken.
The world is much larger than what we see. Its those influential peoples across the world indirectly decide your world. There decisions today or tomorrow are going to change your so called small world forever. Lets take one by one example from each of the fields.
First if we take the political decision, which may not be restricted to one country rather has consequences far reaching across the boarder. The simplest example would be war. And taking the second one could be very familiar now days are the business related which is quite obvious from this downturn/recession, for which we all suffered was merely the (wrong) decisions by business world people across the globe.
So, why we serve whole of our life for others in this way. Just being a slave of predefined systems. Its time to create our own.