Friday, October 9, 2015

Non-issues - Democracy, election and issues during election

Born in a democratic country and now living another one I have seen and observed many elections. However, lately I realized that most elections are contested based on issues which may not have any direct impact on people who will vote.

I won't go too far back in the history, I will rather take some example from recent elections held in big  democracies in the world such as US, Canada and India. Of Couse I will have more insight about Indian system as I was born and raised there, but lately I got a glimpse of Canadian and US political setup after moving here few years back.

One might think the political campaign will be different between poor country such as India and rich countries such as US and Canada. Surprisingly few things were common,

Elections are contested on non-issues:

Non-issue does not mean the issue has no value at all, but rather it does not directly impact daily livelihood of common country people nor it may affect in long term.  However, these issues could trigger emotional response in such a way that voter will get blinded by it and forget everything else. In India touching their religious, waiving off loans work, and in US/Canada issues are tax, Islamophobia etc

US/Canada: Climate change:

Wait before you come to conclusion, by climate change I meant to address lobby against oil lobby. Most voters do not understand climate change. They often link it directly it with oil, not knowing that farming produces even more greenhouse gas (Methane, produced by cattle and marsh fields, has 20 times more greenhouse effect than C02). Interlinking directly oil with climate change may not be 100% correct.

Moreover, Question is not about oil or no-oil, question is people who are serious about this cause are not even willing to give up the luxury of Car (yes Car is a luxury that most people across the world, other than US/Canada can’t afford) and cheap gas heaters. If you really want the change, then first give it up altogether the industry will force to look for alternative fuel source. Buy electric car and do not use anything that has oil money.

Weakness of Voter: Most voters do not understand climate change. They often link it directly it with oil, not knowing that farming produces even more greenhouse gas (Methane, produced by cattle and marsh fields, has 20 times more greenhouse effect than C02)

I met many "cool" people in Canada who are anti-oil, who want Canadian tar-sand oil industry to stop, however, they won’t refuse the social service money that they can get from Govt, (which has oil money). Not to mention that, nobody would switch off their heater during winter.

India: Secularism:

Many people would agree that secularism is a non-issue in Indian politics, however, it could dramatically polarize the vote divide across the demography. In recent Bihar state assembly poll a futile issue like Cow slaughter has taken to center stage to polarize the votes. Some might blame BJP for instigating the subject, however, other parties didn't stop milking the cash to get Muslim support (who appear to vote in herd rather than Individual).

Weakness of Voter: Believe that protecting their illusionary believes and religion is more important than having a better life.

Canada: Cannabis

There is a sizable internet user community who have long want to de-criminalize or legalize the cannabis usage. This is not about whether it should be legalize in Canada or not, the question is how politicians across the board were able use it as dead-horse to deviate from the real issues such as economy, tax and jobs. On one hand Conservatives were able to grab conservative votes on this issue, Liberals and NDP have tried to milk the issue as such they could to launch attack on Stephan Harper.

At the end, if a pot lover wants to legalize he/she won’t consider other options but think only to get rid of Stephan Harper from power, rather than questioning other policies of Liberal and NDP, likewise if someone wants to keep the cannabis law intact, they will vote Mr. Harper without questioning what he did in past 10 years and what he wants to do for next 4 years.

Weakness of Voter: They can’t stop smoking it.

Canada: Hijab

If someone look into statistics, a very few women wear complete face cover hijab. Now here is the twist, Mr. Harper passed a law which says you can’t cover your face during citizenship ceremony. Not surprisingly debate took off on a different level, which Mr. Harper wanted, that government does not anyone to wear hijab. If someone has stayed enough in Canada they would know that, most white Canadian (born in Canada) do not know what Hijab is, they consider even head-scarf as hijab. This limited understanding about Hijab, takes the discussion to a next level of freedom of rights. So it helps to polarize the vote up-to some extent. So if Mr. Harper can keep his conservative vote bank intact and let NDP and Liberals fight off for “open minded” people vote, Mr. Harper may have a chance in this election despite being in power for almost 10 years.

Weakness of Voter: Most voter do not understand Hijab or Islam at all.

US/Canada: Tax

Why I am saying Tax is non-issue, because whoever is in government can’t do much with taxes. They need money to run the government. What all they can do is, each year promise I will lower the tax and wait it out for next 4 years and promise it again. I love this infinite cycle. Example: Hilary Clinton is campaigning for lower tax and levying high tax for 1%. If someone understand even 1% of political science she does not want top 1% tax, what she wants is vote of those 99% people who envy those 1% people and will always despise them. If she could infuriate those 99% then she has the presidency in her name.

Canadian style is giving away free money such as Universal child care, parent support etc. Most promise by NDP to giving away these kind free money. The fight is still on, who will give more money to people, now who does not want extra money, votes will vote to the highest payer, notwithstanding other policies of the party.

Weakness of Voter: Top 1% people are running the government, so someone employed by them, politicians, can’t make laws to make them poor.

Canada: Job

Job is real issue but this is played as a non-issue, example: I heard one of the campaign ad by Liberals that they plan to create deficit by investing in public transport and infrastructure, but they fail to explain how will be create overall economic ripple effect to create jobs across the board other than creating some construction jobs.

Weakness of Voter: Socialist style of job creation is not sustainable, if it were then USSR would not have fallen, nor China would have turned to capitalism to create job.