Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Indian skepticism

The Core values

India has become synonym for cultural values across the world. And its value system has always been the heart of Indian daily life style or so called religion. As the time passed and people migrated to India and got indianized, however, many of them never accepted it.
The basic core of this cultural value system has been preserved for thousands of years but at the expanse of much unwarranted modulation, mainly due to contemporary political situation.

India stopped growing

Foreign rule is not a strange thing in history of India. People came here as foreigner, ruled here, some became resident by Indianizing themselves (though unknowingly) and some left the land along with the booty. The frangible states of north-west frontier were not enough to check the waves of central Asians who were very much exited with their newly adopted value system of the drought prone Mediterranean gulf, which has actually united the fighting clan. However, the unity was not enough to reckon with China, so they concentrated to most fertile peninsula of the continent called Sind. They neither had time nor patience to learn the new civilization so they tried to transform it to their own way.
When a civilization is forced to follow new things it may react in two ways, one to resist or fight it second is to get contained inside only. The India followed the later way and since then stop developing its own way in fear that it will attract unwanted attention of the aliens hence creating more problems. So, the very first seed of pessimisms got implanted into the soil and it was just the beginning. India preferred to follow the best practices known rather than inventing new ones. In this way India stopped developing something of its own about 1500 years back! The innovation on new areas almost stopped. What best could be done was just to sustain the old system and if possible magnify it. Today we have all our systems from astronomy to medical science everything is millennium old.

More ironically, now the mammoth civilization was illiterate as per the newly civilized central Asian, the Turks and Mangoles, So a 3500 years old civilization started learning the basics of civilization from the aliens who were merely few centuries old.

The Hard leanings

A new learning drive started. Whatever the India knew was of no use under the new system. So either you learn or run a parallel system. India did both of them. Few get aligned with the new system (or in religion term got converted) other remained adamant to their roots and continue to preserve its old best known practices but at a cost, which never been anticipated. The best practices got modulated under the influence of the new system and over a period of centuries few of them remained as dead rituals and sometimes ill practices.

While all these demographic changes were going on all across the region, the whole Indian community as a whole was unknowingly inculcating skepticism deep inside its roots. In earlier phases it was not very visible or nobody bothered to notice it, however, down the time it started bursting out as the most evil practices in the world eg Sati, Child Marriage, and widow trafficking. Although contemporary reformers took step to check them and shown the way to get out of it, but failed to actually address the root cause of it. The greatest of them were Swami Vivekandan, Raja RamMohan Rai and Mahatma Gandhi etc.

Again back to school

A new civilization teacher was about to come. Earlier it was central Asians and now it was Westerners. Hence, for last eight hundred whatever India had learnt was now futile under the new system. So once again India compelled to start from zero. So what to do? Learn the new system or get back to the old system, though badly modulated, for rescue.
The whole India got confused and scattered. It has got three systems but which one to follow? One the oldest, though modulated second the central Asian though borrowed from Arabs or the third one the new western system.

Hence in middle of everything,India choose to amalgam all of them to start a new civilization. But whether that was chosen by India or forced to; is of little concern.

Starting a new life

Post colonial period started with full of challenges, but thanks for the leadership of that time, it didn't worsen. Although late, we survived.

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