Saturday, August 14, 2010

Standard of Living and Ecological balance

Its summer again! and the mercury is rising beyond imagination. Obviously people are compelled to buy coolers and AC and perhaps other luxurious items those are quite symbol of well being and so called having a good 'Standard of living'. Now days people, specially middle class, are much curious about maintaining/showing their 'standard of living' without understanding meaning of it. However, a good standard of life needs to be redefined for every country and civilization. We can't use the western definition of good life for India, though, we can always borrow the phrase and some aspects.

Some people are advocating going back to ancient life style that will help to check the carbon foot print, however, that itself is not easy as our Indian society is transiting in between ancient and western. Moving either way seems very difficult. A few ecologically aware people are bit perplexed, where to go? and what to inculcate to their next generation, which itself is confused than ever.

The illusion of Indian Culture

Lets start with bugs in our own so called traditions before jumping on the westerners. For eg, celebrating any festival we consider a part of our tradition. However, putting loud speakers everywhere, burning megawatts of energy in playing music to dance and have booze party at night could not be justified on traditional ground. If these are taken into account, the way Ganpati and Durga-puja are celebrated they should not be considered a cultural event, perhaps sometimes they look like some political event. There is nothing wrong in celebrating or partying, however, partying on name of cultural event is merely abuse of those events. The funniest part of this is, the organizers of these co called cultural events are themselves hardly aware of meaning of the event. Most of the festive gags are party cadre. The conditional devotion for god himself has a collusion between the Bhaktas and the God. Bhakta says God I will give you a grand puja, please help me wining this election or passing the exam etc.

Secondly when it comes to oraganized Bhakti our so called Monks, Baba, and NGO play critical role. Thanks to most of the Babas and NGOs those are merely instrument of converting black money into white.

The illusion of supporting a cause

Few days back there were some big events called Mumbai Merathon, people participated to support some or other cause. But while participating the event I could only see a single cause ie 'Standard Charterter'. Everywhere banners of sponsors and organizers with loud music. I could see everything else then that so called 'cause'. Even most of the people who are running themselves do not know about the 'cause'. Similarly Mumbai cyclothon had similar arrangements. Our deputy chief minister came and gave some good words, however, he forgot to mention about his own carbon foot print. A convoy of vehicles always around him, freeing KGs of CO2 and many more luxury habits which are trademark of a politician. More cause more pollution and more advertizing. Sometimes I feel the capitalism has engulfed our country in a ugly way. The success story of western capitalism cant be applied to our case.

Probable solutions

Don't be copy cat. What had worked in west need not work in the east. The way its working in China is a completely different story. They are a unique communist-capital model. Where the captials is in tight control of gov. Whereas in India its mix economy and capital in flow is talking helping very few. Although, some metro cities have got better concrete jungle but 80% population still does not have toilet at home. So just pumping capital may not work alone unless there is a strong willingness from common people to spread the wealth.

Blaming polit-beauro may be futile unless we take something in our hand after they are part of us only. Spending atleast 1 week in a year to educate the vulnerable people in our society. They may be from your nearby slum or some rural place. Education and inculcating responsibilty among them because they are the decision maker in every poll. Making them aware of everything will weaken the selfish Netas.


Sowmya said...

Hey Chandan,

Your observance on social issues is good! Keep blogging regularly :)

Aparna said...

interesting perspective!!